All State Orchestra
After she was done with her morning rehearsal on concert day, The Banana changed into her concert black and she and I waited in the hotel lobby while Dr. Peds picked up the Devious Snail and Aumnee. She threw on her sweatshirt, and because she didn’t want to wear her…
Quick Trip to Minneapolis
I was largely sick from our trip to Colorado until just before Valentines day, so not a of documenting happened around here other than extensive coughing. Thankfully the coughing became slightly controlled before our trip to Minneapolis last weekend for The Banana to participate in all-state orchestra. I literally worried…
He’s been obsessively playing “swim meet” for almost two months straight. It involves leaping from a little red chair (the diving block) onto the blue play couch, where he swims laps on the cushions. On Tuesdays he has a friend who comes to play for the day, and he’s even…