Sectional Swim Meet
On Saturday Dr. Peds came downstairs and spontaneously declared that we should drive to The Cities to see The Banana swim her last 500 race at sectional finals. So we loaded up Peanut Maximus and brought Mr. TOF as well. The long drive down there didn’t seem that long, actually,…
Last week was a heavy week. A burglar in my part of the city was eventually caught after breaking into three homes and assaulting multiple elderly people, but not before throwing everyone into a frantic tizzy. There was a grizzly murder-suicide situation that ended up with five people dying, including…
Playing First Thing in the Morning
He loves playing with cars. Cars in the morning. Cars after nap. Cars in the evening. Small cars. Medium cars. He especially loves firetrucks, ambulances, construction vehicles, and best of all school and city buses.
Recently Learned
Building Boats
Peanut Maximus has been busy “building boats” while I check my email. Quickly check my email. It doesn’t take him long to build a few boats, and then he’s into other things.
Youth Symphony in Costume
Should I be concerned that The Banana borrowed my regular clothes to dress up as “Mrs. Mixup, the Crazy Cat Lady?” Probably yes. Yes, I should be concerned. The youth symphony and other youth orchestras played a not-too-spooky concert as part of “Eek! The Depot,” a family event. The Banana…
Did It Himself
He found his biggest sister’s ski helmet and insisted on putting it on his head all by himself. Backwards.
He might have said he didn’t want to give her a hug, but she made sure she got one anyway. It wasn’t too much of a fight.
He’s been having fun filling up the bucket of his tractor with leaves and then hauling them around, or just dragging the tractor around the yard by the bucket. The tractor has even made its way to violin/viola lessons on Wednesday so he can play with the violin teacher’s leaves…
Up High
Peanut Maximus has a preferred mode of transportation, and it is up by his big brother’s head. Mr. TOF is extremely accommodating. They go everywhere. Around the house. Out in the yard. Down the sidewalk in the neighborhood. Peanut Maximus loves the perspective up there. It gets a little higher…