• The Great Egg Drop Take 2

    The kidlets have been anxiously awaiting Egg Drop Day since we tried it last year.  I decided that Monday would be a great day to try this drama-filled activity.  This year we agreed on a few modifications for the rules:  each person had to make their own egg-dropping contraption; they…

  • A Trip to the Forest History Center

    A visit to the Forest History Center in Grand Rapids has been on my list of places to go with kidlets for quite some time.  Near the end of last week we were throwing some possible ideas out of places we might want to go for a day trip.  We…

  • Moonrise

    They are talking about  and signing  “moon”  as we watched the big, pink moon appear like magic over the lake while the big kidlets, clad in lifejackets and wetsuits, jumped around in the surf.