• To Cut, To Not Cut

    I had plans to take Mr. Cuddles to the hair cut store for a snip snap before my brother’s wedding on June 10th. I was planning on doing that today in fact. But for the last three days the weather has been humid, and his hair as coiled up in…

  • Difficult Subject

    This child is nearly impossible to get a good picture of lately, and she’s not really very interested in trying either. She’d rather ride her bike. She’d rather do just about anything in liu of having her picture taken. So I was particularly excited about this snap from this evening.

  • Bribery

    I bribed Ms. Crazy Preschooler right before bed tonight: ten pictures in exchange for a game of sloth dominoes. Actually it ended up to be two games of sloth dominoes (one of my favorite kids games, by the way). I won one, and she won one. All the pictures on…

  • ouchies

    Mr. Cuddles fell for the two hundreth time today and scraped his knee for the first time ever. It didn’t phase him a bit, but his sister freaked out at the sight of the blood. She insisted he have a band aid right away, but it didn’t last very long…