• This Picture Does Not Do Dirt Justice

    Friday morning Mr. Perpetual Mess and I walked over to a garage sale on our street and found two “dump dirts” for a dollar. He loves construction vehicles with all his heart, and he was incredibly excited to carry these home. They have become his greatest treasures, I think. He…

  • Asleep with Waldo

    A few weeks ago my husband found this trendy old Where’s Waldo book in a cardboard box filled with treasures from his life before children. Ms. Crazy Preschooler latched onto it pretty quick, especially when I gave her a little magnifying glass to search for Waldo with. Today had been…

  • Sunday Afternoon Uno

    Uno has become quite the tradition for these two on Sunday afternoons while the little ones are napping. Ms. Crazy Preschooler just can’t get enough of the game. She likes the Wild Draw Four cards best. She gets quite gleeful about using them.