• Tree Stump Adventures

    On Monday two of our big pine trees on the front corner of our hard fell down in a wind and deluge.  On Tuesday Mr. TOF looked at me with glee and asked if he could take a shovel over to the hole next to the roots and dig.  “Dig…

  • Conversations: Workers

      Two big pine trees in our yard fell down in a windstorm early this morning.  Thankfully they did not land on our house.  They were, however, blocking the street on the side of our house, so right as the kidlets were in the process of leaving for school, there…

  • Celebrating Soccer Sign Ups

    He’s signed up for a real honest to goodness soccer team that plays in the late summer, and ridiculously excited.  When I completed the online registration he decided to dress up in one of the neighborhood hand-me-down soccer jerseys and then spent the afternoon zooming around the yard with his…

  • Cereal: The New Currency

    Months ago I put a moratorium on cereal.  Cereal is rather expensive, and this crew consumes it at an alarming rate.  In fact, if one of them finds a box of cereal in the house, that person will sit right down and shovel in three quarters of the box in…

  • It’s Here!

    Our Rosetta Stone Russian software arrived!  It’s getting a workout.  YaYa has been zipping through the first lessons, and The Banana is also enjoying using it.  Mr. SP has tried it out as well.  I’m anxious to start myself, but unfortunately the day the box arrived, the superdrive on my…

  • Cat in a Dress

    You can’t really imagine my surprise when I was working away in the kitchen and looked over to see my independent, take-charge cat sauntering through dressed in a frilly green dress. What was that? The kidlets had been up to shenanigans!  They laughed pretty hysterically while watching my shocked face.…

  • And Today . . . Crocus!

    Despite the fact that it was still snowing last Wednesday, yesterday morning I looked over and saw a few crocus plants peeking through the brown leaves and grass.  I brushed the debris out of the way, and by the end of the beautiful, warm spring  day, there were all sorts…

  • Things that Go

      I was warm while we were in North Dakota for spring break, and we relished it, especially since at home it was approximately 30 degrees and snowing all week.  The kidlets loved being able to get out side and run around.  The bikes and farm driveways were a very…

  • A Dangerous Guy

    He was chasing a cousin, or maybe he was being chased by a cousin, I’m really not sure.  Anyway, he fell down on the ground, skidded right through the dirt, and that made him mad.  He was so mad that his eyes were filled with steamy tears, which prevented him…