Happy Birthday Mr. Sneaky Pants: Twelve Years

Mr. SP’s birthday was on Thanksgiving this year.  For the first time ever on a holiday, all of Dr. Peds’ family was together in one place to celebrate.  However, we actually celebrated Thanksgiving on Friday because some people were still traveling on Thursday.  It worked out perfectly because we spent Thursday celebrating Mr. SP.  He has more signatures on his birthday table cloth than anyone in the family!

How many cousins can you fit in the bathtub on your birthday?  So far 8 is the record.  After the picture, however, four jumped out and ran to the table with their donuts. The hearty ones stayed. 

Uncle Don did not rise early enough to get in on the birthday donuts.  When he did get up later in the morning, we told him he couldn’t get his donut unless he was in the bathtub.  Since we had a few extra donuts, Mr. SP was happy to oblige him in a lovely second breakfast. Cousin Nathaniel joined in as well, because frosted donuts?  Yum. 

I asked for a birthday portrait.  This is what I got:  

Fitting.  Mr. SP spent some time with his cube.  We waited for Grandma to open presents, and she didn’t make it up from her hotel until later in the morning.  (There were 21 people in our house for the weekend, so half decided to sleep at a hotel).

Auntie Dot helped create a lovely “man bun” for a birthday hairdo.  Smashing. 

Mr. SP wanted pizza for lunch, but since it was Thanksgiving we couldn’t order or pick up pizza from a restaurant, so we made many homemade pizzas.  

While the little ones were napping, Mr. SP spent the afternoon playing card games with Grandma Kathy.  They had a lot of fun. 

Just in time for birthday supper (meatloaf and fried potatoes) the Iowa cousins arrived!  They brought a noisy birthday card that was greatly appreciated over the course of the weekend. 

While I was searching for something in the buffet table, I came across vintage Star Wars napkins that my mom sent my husband approximately 18 or 19 years ago.  For some reason they didn’t get used and I stashed them in the buffet table.  Whenever we moved and I cleaned out the buffet table I came across them and thought, Oh, I should use them at a birthday party but then completely forgot about them.  I hadn’t seen them in years.  A decade probably.  This was the year!  It was pretty exciting because we never have special disposable birthday napkins around here.

Mr. SP picked ice cream cake.  I unfortunately didn’t have my wide lens to take a picture of how many crazy  people were crowded into the room for cake.  The place was humming!  (pounding, perhaps is a more accurate word).  

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