The Banana Packs to Go Out and About

Last Monday morning Squirmy had an appointment with his pediatrician.  Dr. Peds offered to take him to the appointment because he speaks “doctor speak” and appointments are just so much more efficient with him there, and especially because it would give me the opportunity to catch up on some work that I am very far behind on.  Distraction free work time is more precious than gold around this house.

The Banana got up, had breakfast, and went into our bedroom to say good morning to Dr. Peds.  He told her that she could come along to the appointment.  The Banana LOVES to go places and hates to miss out on any activity whatsoever, so she was thrilled with the prospect of going along to help out.  Dr. Peds told her to pack a couple of things to do while they waited in the waiting room.

The Banana zipped downstairs, upstairs and to approximately every corner in our house.  Pitter patter, pitter patter went those cute little  feet dressed in their signature unmatched socks.  She was dressed.  She brushed her teeth.  And then she proceeded to pack exactly SIX ENORMOUS cloth grocery bags filled to the brim with everything she might need at the appointment, including but not limited to:  an etch-a-sketch, four pads of paper, at least 20 markers in all sorts of colors, small cars, a football, several rubber bouncy balls, extra underwear, a doll, a multitude of stuffed animal friends who needed to be included, a spoon, a couple of costumes, a pillow and blanket, five plastic princesses,  a hairbrush and mirror, and, well a lot of other things.

At the last minute Dr. Peds patiently talked her down to one grocery bag half filled so that she could actually carry it herself, and they were off.


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