Youth Symphony Side by Side

Between school, youth symphony and Lake Superior Youth Chorus, The Banana and Mr. TOF had six concerts and two rehearsals in the time span from 3:00 Friday to 8:30 p.m. on Sunday. It was nuts! (The Banana was actually leaving concerts before they were over to participate in other concerts!) However, all the concerts I was able to attend were amazing. The youth symphony played side by side with the professional symphony, and it was pretty special because I was closely related to two of the principal players! So fun! They were sitting directly across from one another.

The Banana was concertmaster, which means that she sat next to the symphony concert master. The Banana been admiring her shoes on stage and has been in awe of her violin playing since she was six and started attending the symphony with me. It was pretty surreal for her to be in that seat . . . the stuff of little girl dreams that she never thought would actually happen. (There was so, so much hard work to get there!)

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