Random Bits on a Fine Monday

  • Summertime humidity has arrived, and with it has come the return of curly haired kids!  I do love curly hair.  I wish I had curls  of my own.
  • It has been a rough couple of weeks around here due to the extended stay of a couple of  not-so-welcome viruses.  The Banana caught both of them first, then I had the stomach virus, then Squirmy caught the cold virus and gave that to me, and YaYa has seemed like she’s coming down with it several different times but then manages to not entirely catch it.  Regardless, the situation caused us to miss my cousin’s wedding in Omaha, and I spent almost all of the dreary weekend grumping on the couch with a terrible cough and zero energy.  I’ll be glad when the virus decides to pack his suitcase.
  • Dr. Peds survived the Fargo half marathon that he didn’t actually train for as much as he probably would have liked to.  He ran with two friends from medical school and came home with a somewhat injured knee and lots of stories to tell.  He gave the medal to Mr. SP, who thought it was the GREATEST present ever.
  • YaYa has also kind of caught the running bug.  There was a fit and fun race at her school last week, where the 3rd-5th graders run around the track at the nearby high school.  All the third grade girls from her school ran together, and she came home with a third place ribbon (out of 40 girls) and a T-shirt.  I was really quite impressed.  I hadn’t realized that she was a somewhat speedy runner.  Clearly, she got those genes from her father, and not me.  I was dead last in EVERY running race I EVER had to participate in.  We are planning on going to some  Wednesday night kid races this summer since she seems to like running, and Mr. SP does also.  He isn’t playing soccer this year for a variety of reasons, but he likes to use his shoes to run really fast.  I think they will like Wednesday night at the races.
  • Squirmy has been a bit high maintenance since he got sick.  He loves to slobber on me at all times and use me for a perpetual jungle gym and grouch about everything.
  • I think I have the summer schedule figured out on the calendar, and that is a big relief!
  • In June we are taking a vacation trip to Montana to see some of our dear friends from residency.  We are super duper excited about this, and we also plan on visiting Yellowstone National Park, which is somewhat nearby where our friends live.  A couple of years ago our friends sent us a really neat guidebook to Yellowstone National Park that is full of great pictures and lots of terrific information about the sights and features of Yellowstone.  The kidlets have been pouring over the book.  It also came with an audio CD that they have been listening to, and they will walk around sprouting all sorts of facts and stories about Yellowstone that I was not even slightly aware of.  Mr. SP, my volcano lover, is particularly excited to see geysers.  Although they aren’t actual volcanoes, he loves the idea of seeing them erupting.  YaYa is a bit worried that Mr. SP will fall into one of the hot springs and die.  We’ve been talking about how it will be fine if everyone just stays on the boardwalk and is careful.
  • I had an AMAZING garage sale shopping day last Friday.


  • Gramma Robbie

    I got the bug too, and its ucky!!! Those poor kids, I can only imaginge how miserable they all are. I had it like Hannah first the stomach and then the bad cold, with a terrible cough. Guess we got it togeter. missed you at the Wedding, took Jack to the Zoo, they almost kept your Brother as one of the monkey’s but we quick left so he is safe. They told me the SECRET that you have been keeping. I was sooooo surprised to hear I was going to be Gramma again. I think all of you knew before us and did such a good job of keeping it secret, oh what fun. That will make 6, such a good number of grandbabies. Give all the little ones kisses from Gramma, and tell them I hope they feel better

  • Jennifer Rewald

    I think Brutus is taking after his uncle cupcake and auntie Jennifer. Kidney Stones are misserable little buggers! I hope he feels better soon and remember’s to drink lots of water!

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