Meanwhile, At the Beach

Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far.  At my house it was a blistering 92 degrees, complete with hot, soggy air that thickly settled everywhere, making every surface gooey and sticky.  Someone mentioned that it felt like you were wearing lipstick all over your body, which I thought was really pretty accurate.  Like many people in Duluth, we do not have airconditioning.  I am fine with that because we hardly ever need it.

However, we do have the beach!  Yesterday it was only 72 degrees at the beach, and although the humidity was probably not all that different, it sure FELT different!  After we picked up YaYa from art camp, we drove directly to the rocky beach and sighed.  Aaaaahh!  Even better was the fact that there were terrific waves to play in, just the right size to be exciting but not too big to be dangerous.  The water wasn’t even that cold!  Mr. SP had fun pretending to surf.

Even I couldn’t resist getting in, and while YaYa watched Squirmy to make sure he didn’t eat any rocks, I took The Banana to splash in the waves.  It was seriously fun.  I love waves.  Cooled off, we left for swimming lessons, but decided to bring back Dr. Peds in the evening along with our life jackets, so we could do some more swimming.  By the time we got back in the evening the waves were a bit quieter, but we still had a lot of fun, and felt so wonderfully refreshed until we arrived back up the hill in the sweltering humidity.  The beach . . .  twice in a day, and I even got in the water both times.  How adventuresome.

The weather is much kinder today, for which everyone is grateful.

One Comment

  • Gramma Robbie

    Sarah had me fooled, I thought she was surfing, but then realized it was a rock she was standing on. The heat must be what we has last Monday and Tuesday, they were probably the worst day we had this year, and on the top ten that I can remember. Wish I was there with you.

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