Lazy Mom = Fun Breakfast

The kidlets did not have school on Friday because it was the end of the grading quarter.  Because the temperatures are very cold, and there isn’t much snow to play in anyway, this made for a VERY long weekend full of squabbling and grouching and very rambunctious people cooped up in a house together.  However, if there was one success for the weekend, it was breakfast.

It all started because I got up  late on Friday morning, since Mr. Trouble on Feet sleeps until sunrise and no one else needed to get on a school bus.  By the time I got downstairs, it was already nine o’clock, and the big kidlets were finishing playing with the iPad.  They have figured out that I am very liable to say yes to the iPad when they tiptoe into my room at an unbelievably early hour and I really just want to keep sleeping.  I am pretty much guaranteed a substantial block of time that is squabble-free if the iPad is involved.  Anyway, I gave Mr. Trouble on Feet a sippy cup of milk , some peanut butter toast and fruit, and ate some toast myself.

By the time the big kidlets came down, I was busy reading on the couch and playing with Mr. Trouble on Feet.  The last thing I really wanted to do get up and cook an elaborate breakfast.  So I told them they could just make their own.  I figured they would grouch around about not getting to eat pancakes or something special and yummy, but instead I was met with overjoyed jumping and galloping around the kitchen.  They were THRILLED to be in charge of their own breakfast.

There was still some squabbling about who used what utensils, about how much food each person should  be allowed to consume, about whether chocolate chips were allowed and who had hid the chocolate chips under the healthy food in their breakfast so I wouldn’t notice.  But, they were so excited to leash some creativity in the kitchen.

YaYa perfected the art of scrambling eggs, something she’s been working on with Dr. Peds.  She has a wee bit of a fear for using the stove.

The Banana had SOOOOO much fun carefully using a sharp knife to cut her banana into slices for her yogurt and granola.  I’m pretty sure she threw in a lot of chocolate chips I didn’t know about at the time.

Mr. SP made an outrageous concoction that involved yogurt, granola, frozen raspberries, bananas, orange juice, chocolate chips, clementines, raisins, nuts, and I’m not sure what else all mixed together in one bowl.  He licked every last drop out of the bowl.

They even did a good job cleaning up.  The event was so popular that we revisited it on Saturday, and it was much requested for Sunday morning as well, but I had to say no because kidlets making their own breakfast in the kitchen takes a lot of time, and we were on a regimented schedule to arrive at church on time.

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