Artwatch: Aliens and Cranes

The Kindergarten artist-in-residence has been busy!  She's been producing amazingly detailed and imaginative drawings that make my heart swoon.  Ever since her infancy I have been hoping that I would have a childhood artist on my hands, and to facilitate that, I've been very conscious of providing a sure supply of writing utensils and great places to create with as little interruption as possible in a family with lots of little people.  I'm finally seeing the payback!  

The first thing that has been amazing me in our recent artistic bloom is the fact that Sarah will draw anything.  If she takes a fancy to an idea, she simply sits down and draws it without any inhibition at all, crazy things that I wouldn't ever even think to attempt to draw.  Take this crane for example.  I would have never thought to draw a crane at age six.  But she draws all kinds of heavy machinery to give to her little brother as presents and prizes for the  manipulative bribes that she constantly comes up with.
This next piece is a celebration of the number twelve, an idea that she completely came up with on her own. You will notice the number twelve on the spaceship itself. The alien has twelve arms, twelve toes, twelve pieces of hair, and twelve eyes lined up carefully in multiples of three organized by color. There are also supposed to be twelve lights organized in a pattern on the spaceship, but I believe she miscounted and there may be an extra light for good measure.
The final image is a self portrait of Sarah having lunch with several space aliens who are hosting a special tea party. You will find her at the end of the table, agast at the quality of space-age food. In addition to the extremely unique body shapes of the aliens, you also might want to note the spaceship parked outside the window for a quick getaway. All of the art looks better in person, of course. The scanner doesn't capture all the tiny little details.

This next piece is a celebration of the number twelve, an idea that she completely came up with on her own. You will notice the number twelve on the spaceship itself. The alien has twelve arms, twelve toes, twelve pieces of hair, and twelve eyes lined up carefully in multiples of three organized by color. There are also supposed to be twelve lights organized in a pattern on the spaceship, but I believe she miscounted and there may be an extra light for good measure.
The final image is a self portrait of Sarah having lunch with several space aliens who are hosting a special tea party. You will find her at the end of the table, agast at the quality of space-age food. In addition to the extremely unique body shapes of the aliens, you also might want to note the spaceship parked outside the window for a quick getaway. All of the art looks better in person, of course. The scanner doesn’t capture all the tiny little details.

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