Dropping In on Friday Morning Music Class

The Banana is an enthusiastic kindergartener.  She loves her teacher.  She loves her homework.  She loves going to school.  But since I started teaching preschool music classes at the assisted living centers, she has been frustrated that she has had to miss out, saying often that it was her FAVORITE thing.  She asks often about what we did in music and how her favorite “grandmas” are doing and whether they are missing seeing her at music.

There was no school on Friday because of the MEA conference, and The Banana was more than a bit excited to accompany Mr. Trouble on Feet and I to Friday morning music class.  She was up, dressed and ready to go at an early hour.  She drew no less than five pictures for her very favorite grandma named Dorothy, who enthusiastically received them and was delighted to have The Banana sit down next to her and explain everything in the pictures.  They had a long conversation about kindergarten and all sorts of other things.

The Banana was thrilled to help with everything at music class and excited to participate in all the activities.  It all made my heart want to leap out of me and sing and dance!  I’m so happy that seeing those grandmas makes her so excited.  I’m so happy that all of those trips to music class through her toddlerhood and preschool years have helped make her associate music with fun.  I’m so happy that both The Banana and Grandma Dorothy loved seeing each other and spending time with one another.  I’m so happy that she isn’t afraid of elderly people and realizes how special they are.

For the record, The Banana, like every other child at music class, was thrilled to have a snack when we finished the goodbye song.  Snacks at Friday morning music class are a BIG deal.  The activities director knew what she was doing when she instituted that idea.

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