Happy Birthday: Mr. Sneaky Pants Turns 8

The menu for breakfast in the bathtub was supposed to be Swedish Pancakes, but at the last minute Dr. Peds surprised everyone with a box of donuts!  Exciting!  One even had pudding in the middle, which is my favorite kind of donut.  I snatched that one up.  I hadn’t had a donut for a very long time.

This little brother was a very big fan of the donuts.

After excitedly opening all his presents, Mr. SP spent the morning putting together LEGOS and creating battles for hexbugs in his room.  I managed to extract him for lunch.  He had requested going out to at Clyde Ironworks.  I was very happy about this choice!  Clyde Ironworks sometimes feels far away for a restaurant experience, although it really doesn’t actually take that long to get there when I really think about it.  What I love about taking kids to this restaurant is that it has lots and lots of open space and it is super relaxed and kind of sophisticated yet not at all overstimulating.  The food is reasonable, and best of all, because of all the open space, there is lots and lots of room for kids to be kids, even though the restaurant has a grown up feel.  Along one side of the main floor there is a bocceball court set up, which the kidlets love.  We had not been there for quite a while, but when we walked in, we were delighted to find a gigantic chessboard set up on the floor!  Fun!

They make up their own rules.  I was just happy that no one had appendages that were crushed by the heavy balls.

Ever tried playing chess with a two year old?  I don’t recommend it.

Mr. TOF’s  idea of a move was lining all the pieces up on the sidelines to watch him bop on the squares.

Dr. Peds was working all day, but he surprised us by showing up at lunch, which made Mr. SP very happy.  He was especially happy to have someone to play some serious chess with.

Mr. SP chose Clyde Ironworks because he really wanted to eat spicy sausage pizza.  He was also delighted that because it was his birthday he could have a tall glass of soda pop.  Then, to make things even better, the restaurant brought him a free birthday dessert big enough to share with everyone.  He barely had room because both Mr. SP and Mr. TOF packed in so much pizza I thought their stomachs might just burst right open.

While I spent the afternoon baking a chocolate layer cake with a bit of help from The Banana, Mr. Sneaky Pants spent the afternoon holed up in his room playing Angry Bird Star Wars. He was gifted with a Mama coupon for downloading one app, and since it was his birthday he had unlimited ipad time during nap/quiet time.  Later he played his new LEGO game with Dr. Peds and after supper there was cake.

After large pieces of cake there was a lot of craziness.  Mr. SP read books in his room while everyone else did their evening work.  Its always such a big deal to not have to do chores on your birthday around here.


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