Grandma Robbie Spends the Night

Grandma Robbie came bearing a freezer full of meat on Saturday afternoon and spent the night before driving back to North Dakota the next morning.  The kidlets put on a dramatized version of the Wizard of Oz for her entertainment, and we all played outside almost all of the afternoon because it was deliciously warm, the first deliciously warm day of the year.  YaYa climbed the street sign at the corner, Mr. SP rode his bicycle, The Banana drew a menagerie  of zoo animals on the driveway with sidewalk chalk, and Mr. TOF went everywhere he could go because he was so happy to be outside.

At the last minute, I remembered to take my mom to one of the locally owned fabric stores.  We got there only a few minutes before closing, so we didn’t have much time, but Grandma Robbie and the three biggest kidlets had a great time in the fabric store.  It turns out that all THREE of my biggest kidlets LOVE the fabric store (so crazy to me!) They picked out material for pillow cases and material for doll clothes, and thought of about 217 projects that they wanted their grandmother to sew for them.  They zigged and zagged from one bolt of fabric to the next, and the lady who owned the store was having a great time watching all the excitement.  Next time I know we will be spending a lot of time there.

We also went out to eat, which is always a crazy affair.  There was a piano and oboe concert in the living room and some special time with dolls before bed.

Grandma Robbie had to leave after the first service of church on Sunday.  The Banana was inconsolably sad.  Mr .TOF was hip hopping mad when he discovered that she’d already left when we picked him up from the nursery.  He’s still quite put out that she hasn’t come back yet with his Papa.

One Comment

  • Gramma Robbie

    Boy we sure got lots done in 22 hours didn’t we. I knew the banana was going to have trouble, she had big tears in eyes when I told her I had to go. I figured Mr TOF was not going to be happy either. I sure enjoyed everyone, just what this Gramma needed right now. Thanks for having me. Now I had better get to that sewing machine little people wanted to know HOW long it was going to take me to get these projects done. And by the way the play was wonderful, produced by the eldest and the Tin man was supurb! Dorthy was magnificent right down to toto in the basket.

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