2013 Sunday Night at the Beach: Part 2

It was warm and muggy at the top of the hill. After a squabbly and grouchy sort of Sunday, we packed an ultra simple picnic, and headed down to the rocky beach.  YaYa was off to camp, so it was just the three smaller kidlets.  The beach was cool and comfortable.  As we drove down the hill, the fog was hanging out over the water, rolling around in swirls.  The sunlight at the beach was weak, almost nonexistent, and the breeze was light and chilly.  Luckily we found an extra sweater belonging to The Banana in the car for Mr. TOF, or he would have been freezing in his short sleeve shirt.  We enjoyed eating together, and then did just a teensy bit of playing before packing things up and heading back up the hill.

On the way up we hit an atmospheric change and every single window in the fan instantaneously fogged up with thick condensation!  We were back in the land of warm and humid!  We drove over to Hawks Ridge to the lookout to watch the fog swirling down on the lake.  Talons of thick moisture were reaching over the trees at the edge of the neighborhood.  On top of the hill it was sunny and sticky!

I handed binoculars to Mr. SP and The Banana, because binoculars are so much fun!  I have so many great memories of my Grandma Jan letting me look through binoculars when I was little.  I’d spy across the lake and spy on town down the road a mile, and I’d spy at farmers working their fields.  It brings me great joy to have kids excited about looking through binoculars.  I can’t stop photographing them with binoculars!

At the top of the hill there were several people on the lookout for the moonrise hoping to view the supermoon.  We were being eaten alive by gnats, and certain people were about to have a bathroom emergency, so after a few minutes we hopped back in the car to go home before the moon came out.  I’m sure it was beautiful, but priorities are priorities, and bathroom emergencies sometimes take precedent.

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