Keeping me Busy

Here are some random things I’ve done since you last heard from me:

— I mixed glue, liquid cornstarch and blue food coloring together to make a putty sort of like silly putty, but more like that slimy stuff called GAK that my little brother used to play with. It took a long time to knead it together, and my hands were very blue by the end, but the kids loved it. We stretched it out so that it was longer than our kitchen. Squeezing it was very addictive for me, but Destructoman liked poking birthday candles in it best of all.

— I took my smurf hands and went on a date with my husband. One of the parents from the music class I teach had given me a gift certificate to a nice restaurant, and we used it up. I had delicious pasta, but I smelled like noxious garlic all night and actually couldn’t sleep well because of it.

— I translated an Italian Aria into International Phonetic Alphabet symbols for a student so that I could be sure she was pronouncing things right. I’m out of shape in translating Italian into IPA symbols, and it took a lot of time. I hate the list of rules for stressed and unstressed e’s and o’s in Italian.

— I cleaned my house so that people could walk through it to get to the basement for music class. (This takes much, much longer than getting ready for music class each week.)

— I paid all of the bills.

— I recorded the accompaniment for a voice student so that she could sing in her church. Dr. Peds had to help turn pages.

— I folded fifteen loads of laundry (the clothes from last week).

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