In Celebration of Sarah

Ms. Crazy Preschooler is officially 5! We had toast in the bathtub for breakfast. She played with Kidpix on the computer. Her choice for lunch was baked string pasta, and after nap (while I ran around like CRAZY trying to make the house presentable) her friend Natalie and Natalie’s sister came over to play. They decorated the living room picture window, and put on a fantastic puppet show for Hannah with the new puppet theater that hangs in the doorway. Cake was served (they requested to have one princess tower each, complete with ice cream cone) along with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles. When Dr. Pediatrician staggered in they went to the store to get 10 helium balloons. Their return home was followed by present opening and leftovers for supper. Ms. CP was delighted with her fantastic presents and even got to stay up a little late to play with them.



One Comment

  • Sara

    I can see Sarah when she is an adult being so thankful and so in awe of her mother. Her mother took the time to revere each moment when she was a child and captured it with her beautiful photos. What a special day!

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