Concerning My Mortality

Mr. Trouble on Feet has noticed that things die.  Our neighbor’s cat died.  His great grandparents have died.  With this realization come a lot of questions and conversations about when people die and why people die and what happens when people die.  We’ve talked a lot about what the Bible says about dying.

Somewhere along the way he figured out that someday I will be dying.  This led to a lot more questions about who would take care of him if that happened.  A few weeks ago he asked if I would die when I got old.  We talked about how usually people die when they are old, but a person never really knows when they might die.  It’s all in God’s hands.

Two weeks ago:

Mr. TOF:  When I’m a dad and I’m driving fire trucks and playing drums in the marching band and have sixteen kids, will you be dead yet?

Me:  Well, I hope not, because I’d like to see you driving fire trucks and playing drums.  And I’d really like to meet your sixteen kids.

Mr. TOF:  I hope not too, but I think it might be a possibility that you could be dead by then, Mama.

Last week:

Mr. TOF:  Do you think you will be dead when I’m old enough to go to YaYa’s school.

Me:  Well, I hope not.  I plan to be alive then.

Mr. TOF:  But you can’t really tell, can you?  And you are getting kind of old.  You will be REALLY old by the time I go to YaYa’s school. ( Sigh.)  I hope Dad will still be alive if you are dead.  He cooks good.  Maybe you’ll make it long enough to see me go to YaYa’s school.


Mr. TOF (In a most cheerful voice):  Well, Mom, I think you might probably be still alive when I have my fifth birthday!  It’s coming up soon!  Do you think you’ll still be alive then?

Me:  I definitely hope so.  I’m planning on being at your birthday.

Mr. TOF:  But I’m not talking about hoping, Mom.  I’m talking about probably.  And possibly.  Because summer’s not far away, so you probably will make it that long, don’t you think? It’s not far away at all.  I think you can do it Mom!

Me:  I think that the possibility is very, very good that I’m going to be here for your birthday.

Mr. TOF:  I am happy about that, because my birthday without you would be kind of boring.  I probably wouldn’t get very many presents if you weren’t there.  Like Dad’s birthday!  He only got ONE present.  That was pretty boring.

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