Conversations: Concerning my Cooking Skills

Each Friday morning for the past few weeks Mr. TOF and I have headed off to a nature-based preschool that invited us to come and teach a music class.  The class meets at the teacher’s home and incorporates some really fun concepts.  For example, there is a pet rabbit that roams the classroom, loose, and the kids spend hours and hours playing outside in all sorts of weather.  We have had a lot of fun playing instruments and singing with the kids, and each Friday after class we’ve gone out for a special lunch date, just the two of us.  This is why I was sitting in a restaurant last Friday across the table from Mr. TOF. We were eating grilled cheese sandwiches.  He sighed, slouched down and rested his face in his hands, looking over at me with sad eyes.

Mr. TOF:  But Mom, I just don’t understand WHY you are just not smart enough to cook Chinese food!  Why couldn’t you just have been born in China?

Me:  Uhm?  I’m sorry?

Mr. TOF:  Because food from other countries is SOOOOO yummy.  And Olivia’s family can cook Chinese food.  I really, really like Chinese food.

(A long pause)

Mr. TOF:  Well, maybe Dad can work hard and get smart enough to cook Chinese food.  Because he’s a hardworking guy, you know!

We are lucky to have great friends who expose him to great food.


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