In the Neighborhood: A Bouncy House


Our neighbor halfway down the street turned eight!  To celebrate, an inflatable bouncy house was rented.  You can only imagine what a magnet this was for kids in the neighborhood all weekend.  It was first inflated Friday night.  The birthday party took place Saturday morning.  All Friday evening and all day Saturday there was a gaggle of kids in one combination or another bouncing and bouncing away.  They made up all sorts of crazy bouncing games, and there were only a few minimal collisions, actually.

I kind of wanted to shrink myself back down to about age six!  Age six was not only one of my very favorite ages (along with 14 and 22), but six year olds are expert bouncers.  When I was little I LOVED inflatable bouncy houses.  Only a few times did I get to partake of such a special treat at the circus or at the county fair, and each time the five minutes of bouncing never seemed like five whole entire minutes.  I can’t even imagine how much fun two whole entire days of bouncing with my friends would be.

Dr. Peds and our neighbor halfway down the street inflated the house while all the kids were over at my house.  Rumor stands that when it was all ready, they looked at each other and decided to test it out for themselves before they called the kids over.  I wish I would have been there to see that.

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