• Great Grandma Lolly

    I’m not exactly sure why my husband’s family calls Great Grandma “Lolly” but it reminds me of a lollipop, which is really quite fitting as she is truly the most kind, gentle and sweet person I’ve ever run across. From the first time I met her when my husband and…

  • Nighttime Read

    Ms. Crazy Preschooler was reading before bed at the motel in Iowa. We turned out the light in an effort to keep Destructoman inside his pack and play. Ms. CP was reading some special books that Auntie Amy brought with her from Texas. I was feeding Hannah, and I had…

  • The Famous Singing Daisies

    Great Grandpa Don has love of plastic things that sing. He has singing trains, singing fish, singing clocks, and these lovely singing daisies that dance to “In the Mood.” While the average person might pass up this plastic collection and dismiss it as quirky, his great grandchildren LOVE it. If…

  • Six

    Meet my niece, Janize. I can’t believe she’s six! I was so excited to be an auntie when she was born. Sadly, we’ve always lived far away so I only get to see her and her sisters once or twice a year. I love her curly hair. I love her…

  • . These are two snaps of Destructoman that I am really enjoying. We’ll be away from home this weekend. We’re taking a little trip to Iowa to visit family. I plan on taking oodles of pictures while I’m there. Ms. Crazy Preschooler is very excited to see her cousins and…

  • New Eating Arrangement

    This week Destructoman has moved from the high chair, that nicely confined eating space, to a booster seat at the table. Things have gone fairly well. First of all, by some divine miracle, I’ve managed to keep the table clean enough for two kids to actually eat at it. I’ve…

  • After Eating Cheese Curds

    You can’t live in central Wisconsin and escape cheese curds. Even if you move here somewhat murky on exactly what cheese curds are, you will in a short time grow to adore those tasty little white bumps because they are so readily available, and so squeaky clean fresh. Someone brought…

  • Music and Movement

    In addition to having had a brief case of flu and getting over it, I’ve been getting ready to teach preschool and toddler music and movement classes that started last Monday and Tuesday. Every time I’m in the middle of writing out curricula half of me wonders WHAT I am…