• Absence

    I’ve been dealing with a minor bout of a flulike illness the last couple of days, so instead of staying up until all hours of the night working on household chores and having fun with the computer, I’ve been going to bed like a normal person in hopes of catching…

  • Crazy Cooking

    On Sunday afternoon I planned to take a brisk walk with my two youngest kidlets secure in their stroller as soon as Destructoman woke up from his nap. However, with my luck, it began to precipitate furiously for a brief time. So I decided to cook up some of my…

  • My Preschool Art

    The other day Ms. Crazy Preschooler and I sorted through our crayons and picked out the broken ones. We placed them in muffin tins according to color and melted them on the stove into pools of wax in bright hues, and then we painted with the melted wax. At first…

  • The Banana Again

    This picture shows Hannah how I really see her, clear baby blue eyes watching my every move to make sure I don’t leave her in a room by herself. She likes to be nearby, observing the action and pondering the nature of her crazy family.

  • Finding Socks

    Ms. Crazy Preschooler was searching for some socks to wear with her snowboots before she went outside to play yesterday. Destructoman decided he’d help.

  • A Cooing Banana

    Much like her big sister and unlike her more silent big brother, The Banana loves to play with her voice. She squeaks, slides, oohs and aahs whenever anybody is in front of her face. Its fun to listen to her experiment.

  • Rolling Over

    I set The Banana on the floor today to take some pictures, but she suddenly really figured out how to roll over, and by the time I’d get my camera ready to go, there she’d be on her back, grinning at me like she was playing a game.