Crazy Cooking

On Sunday afternoon I planned to take a brisk walk with my two youngest kidlets secure in their stroller as soon as Destructoman woke up from his nap. However, with my luck, it began to precipitate furiously for a brief time. So I decided to cook up some of my dryer lint.

Now, I want you to realize that for several months or so I have been experimenting with dryer lint. It just seems wrong to throw out all that lint, so I had started an ice cream bucket where I stashed the stuff (boy, do we produce a lot of dyer lint). I tried adding water to it and making it mushy and letting it dry in different shapes, but the shapes had a tendency to crumble.

So, it was with great luck, I thought, that I came across a recipe in an early childhood art book for making modeling clay out of dryer lint! Hooray. You add a little flour and water to a few cups of dryer lint (we had no trouble coming up with a few cups of lint, let me tell you). You stir it around in a pot over high heat until it all mushes together, and then you can mold it around things or in cookie cutters. We tried cookie cutters. The clay was pretty slimy, but fun, and the results are still drying in the basement. Stay tuned for further updates.

After we were done with our lint experiment the weather turned perfect for a brisk winter walk, so we ended up doing that too.

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