Exploring on a Rainy Afternoon at Hartley
It had been a rainy morning and afternoon, and we were ready to get out of the house, so I dressed Peanut Maximus in his terrific rainsuit that YaYa found in a thrift store in Colorado. We went for a stroller ride through the forest on the wide trail that works so well for strollers, and then we stowed the stroller in the car and headed for the playscape near the nature center. Peanut Maximus had so much fun exploring. There were multiple mud kitchens, chalk stations, things to walk on and climb over, a canoe to play in. The adventures just didn’t end. He loved standing on the little bridges and throwing sticks into the tiny streams of water, and he really, really liked the mud puddles. I’m excited about visiting the playscape again. We go to Hartley all the time, but the playscape was built after all the other kidlets were too big to really play in it, so this was a brand new thing for me, too.