• I Know It’s a Lie, But It’s Funny

    The Banana stole granola this morning.  I came downstairs from my shower, and there was granola all over the floor, the table, and the kitchen counter.  She was the culprit.  The consequence was no snack after nap, which hit hard.  We had just been snuggling on the couch, recovering from…

  • Easter Sunday: Playing in the “Compost”

    After dinner on Easter Sunday, my sister-in-law Jennifer took the kidlets outside to have an egg hunt, which was fun in every way that egg hunts can be fun.  There was great scrambling to find eggs, much running and dashing about my mother’s yard, followed by careful lining up of…

  • Easter Eggs

    The kidlets and I had a fast and furious trip to North Dakota this week.  Ya Ya had the week off from school, so we celebrated Easter with my family and then had a great time meeting Auntie Dot’s new baby Alex.  I have oodles to share, of course, but…

  • Lunch Conversation

    Just a few minutes ago, I was sitting across the table from Mr. Sneaky Pants, eating a plate full of noodles and a few cucumbers.  Ya Ya is at school.  The Banana is off with Dr. Peds having lunch at her favorite place in the world:  the grocery store.  So,…

  • Tree

    Birchbark . . . I love it.  I love how it’s stark white against the colors of the forest.  I love how it peels and sometimes you can find a piece on the ground and take it home and think about writing a poem on it.  I love how there…

  • Warm, Warm Spring Day

    The temperature was actually 71 degrees today, on the 31st of March.  Unbelievable.  I made the most of it, too.  In the morning The Banana and I went on a short hike and played at two different playgrounds.  We stopped at the bread store and got some fresh bread to…