• Special Bedtime Snack

    It’s kind of a once in a blue moon event, when you are a (messy) toddler.  Ordinarily no one lets you sit on a sofa with a banana and your sippy cup.  We took a spontaneous trip down to the Cities on Friday after school and spent the night in…

  • Renaissance Princess

    One of the teachers at the big kidlets’ school sewed this beautiful Renaissance princess dress and donated it to the silent auction fundraiser this fall.  The dress was the perfect size for The Banana, and her daddy bid on it and brought it home.  There was one very astonished little…

  • Random

    The Banana came home with her school pictures today.  We pulled out her class picture, and she spent several minutes giving me the low-down analysis of all the shoes worn by the kids in the front row on the picture. I often choose not to vote on election day, but…

  • Sharing a Book written by Mr. SP

    A few weeks ago Mr. SP excitedly mentioned that he was working on writing a book at school when he was done with his work.  I was delighted.  Then he told me he had to keep the book hidden inside his desk and cover it up whenever his teacher walked…

  • Reality

    I came back in the door from teaching music class this morning, still sweaty and red-faced from the overwarm interior temperature there.  I peeled Mr. Trouble on Two Feet out of his jacket, and turned on the stove to heat up a pot of water to cook noodles.  I walked…

  • Trick or Treat

    You would not even believe all the energy as the kidlets and their friends zipped from one door to the next up and down the length of our street and  around the corner to one more street in my neighborhood where we know a lot of other families.  They had…