• Random Tidbits Again

    I’ve been absent all week!  To be fair, it was one of the busiest weeks of my year, as a lot of things always culminate to make the middle of December an especially tricky time each year no matter how I try to prepare for it:  Christmas concert preparation, piano…

  • Afterschool Work Detail

    My slave labor force is getting SO GOOD at shoveling sidewalks!  I pretty much just assign their location and they get the job done.  It unfortunately still involves complaining and grumbling on some level, but I don’t have to redo anything on the front sidewalk and steps at all!  …

  • Old. Very Old.

    When my parents came to visit they brought me a gift.  Inside a delicately wrapped box was this ornament, which belonged to my Grandma Edna’s Grandma Caroline.  Grandma Edna gave it to my dad, and my dad gave it to me.  I cannot tell you how excited I am to…

  • After MOPS

    He and I spent the morning at MOPS.  We walked in the door to our house and I unzipped his winter coat and walked to the garage to hang it up.  When I turned around, there was the little brother clad in the big brother’s underwear, and stinking thrilled with…

  • Getting the Christmas Trees: 2012

    We were super duper excited that Grandma Robbie and Grandpa Ron were visiting the weekend of the Christmas Tree Cut.  Although Grandma Robbie was slightly apprehensive of going on a cold adventure, in the end she had a great time.  I knew she would be an excellent hunter of the…