• Password

    Mr. Trouble on Feet is into passwords.  He loves blocking a doorway or hallway, or even the sidewalk, as you can see in this image. “Password!”  he grins up at me.  After I guess eight passwords that are never right, he tells me the latest password.  I shout it out…

  • Just an Everyday Saturday Walk

    Everyone needed to go outside and move around a bit.  No one wanted to go on a bit long, fast walk with me, so Dr. Peds decided that everyone should go on a family walk.  Family walks are shorter, slower, and always filled to the brim with drama!  We headed…

  • What I Learned in October

    Leah–the Leah in the Bible, as in the sister of Rachel–could not see well.  Somehow I missed this, and I’ve paid attention to that story in the Bible for nearly my whole life, since Leah’s sister is Rachel, and a person takes note when a Bible character shares her name.…