What is Happening?
HIs face totally cracks me up!
What We’ve Been Up To
From the Window: SnowHenge 3 Rises
My neighbor has been building this third SnowHenge for several weeks. First there was a firm foundation, then blocks forming a circular wall at least 8 feet tall all around his fire pit. This past Friday he was out with a friend adding on an arched entrance. I love it…
Wednesday Sink #3: Washing
Hanging Out Together
They have a little time together every day, no matter how busy it gets. It’s one of the busiest seasons of the year here, where the big kids leave for school early in the morning and don’t arrive back home until late at night because of robotics, rehearsals, concerts, swim…
Floor Time
He’s all about hanging out on his tummy these days. It’s an instant flip from laying down on his back, and he is in that adorable “swim” phase where he rocks on his stomach and waves his arms and legs in the air. Along with all that tummy time comes…
Wednesday Sink # 2: After the Baby Bath
Peanut Maximus loves his bath time. This cushion for the sink works better all the time as he grows.
A Few Things that are Working Well Around Here
Wednesday Sink #1: Cornbread
I was inspired by the instagram account @thatsinkingfeeling365, where a photographer is working on a 365 photo project documenting her kitchen sink from above each day. After seeing about ten of the beautiful and artistic photographs, it really struck me how the contents of the sink showed things happening in…
Snow Shoveling
There’s been a lot of snow, which means that there has been a lot of shoveling and snowblowing. Luckily we have a lot of teenagers! Our first big blizzard involved three snow days from school and a snowfall of nearly 30 inches. On the third day Mr. TOF mentioned, “I…