• Important Feats for the Day by Mr. Perpetual Mess

    1. Squishing the last half of the banana all over the table, kitchen counter and pajamas at breakfast. 2. Taking down the blinds on bedroom windows during “nap.” 3. Tipping over the child sized rocking chair in sister’s room and standing on it upside down to “jump into the river”…

  • After Playing Thunderstorm

    It was a warm and somewhat muggy day, and in the late afternoon Ms. Crazy Preschooler got the idea of bringing out the hose to fill plastic buckets with water in the backyard. That soon changed to watering the bushes, creating mudpuddles, and playing thunderstorm, which was a wild drama…

  • Box Town

    Last Monday I drug out some of the big boxes from moving that I had been saving in the garage for the kidlets to play in and made them a box city, complete with a two room hospital, a church, a post office, a house and the all important dog…

  • Books, Books and More Books

    Here are some of our recent reads, for the maybe three book lovers that read this blog: Grown Up Books Skylight Confessions by Alice Hoffman: I really like Alice Hoffman’s work. This book was not my very favorite novel she has written, but it was still a fun read, very…