• A Brief Handwritten Note

    When I went to parent teacher conferences last night, this note was waiting for me in Sarah's work-to-look-at folder: November 7, 2008 Dear Mom and Dab, I love you. Love your especially best, loveist Sarah.  

  • The Banana and The Fancy Eyewear

    There is just something about a toddler and sunglasses.  Maybe it's the not so secret desire to be like a movie star and be the center of attention.  Maybe it's how they believe to the core of themselves that they are most certainly glamorous and aren't afraid to show it.…

  • Almost Winter

    The days of grey skies, grey ground, grey trees, and a vast grey Lake Superior have arrived.  Inside, we huddle around our fireplaces more.  Our big fluffy fleece blankets get a workout as we snuggle together on the futon reading books more.  There are three down comforters on our bed,…