• Halloween Part Three: The Leaping Butterfly

    This is actually the costume I wore for Halloween in second grade!  My mom sewed it for me out of one of her old leotards and some material her cousin gave her.  Last year at Halloween my mom mailed this costume along with the pioneer costume Sarah wore for Halloween…

  • Halloween Part Two: The Brave and Gallant Knight

    Do you feel like I post a lot of running pictures on this blog?  That's because my kids are running ALL the time.  They are constantly in motion.  On Halloween morning by courageous knight and his companion, the dancing chicken princess were burning off some energy before leaving for music…

  • Halloween Part One: Princess Chicken The Ballerina

    I believe I've mentioned before how The Banana has her own ideas about wardrobe choice.  In our house, we use our Halloween costumes year round for dressing up.  At the beginning of fall I was rummaging around in the attic and came across Mr. Sneaky Pants' old chicken costume.  Because…

  • Mr. Sneaky Pants and the Preschool Halloween Parade

    I'm hoping to catch up on a lot of posts regarding Halloween today.  Last Thursday Mr. Sneaky Pants was very excited to wear his knight costume to preschool.  This excitement was heightened by the fact that the Thursday before that his preschool hosted a Boo Ball fundraiser.  There was a…