• Like His Big Brother

    Ever since Mr. Sneaky Pants got glasses, Mr. Trouble on Feet has been insisting that he cannot see well.  He asked for glasses for his birthday.  Dr. Peds was out and about a couple of days ago, and came across some fake glasses.  He brought them home, to the delight…

  • In the Neighborhood: A Bouncy House

      Our neighbor halfway down the street turned eight!  To celebrate, an inflatable bouncy house was rented.  You can only imagine what a magnet this was for kids in the neighborhood all weekend.  It was first inflated Friday night.  The birthday party took place Saturday morning.  All Friday evening and…

  • My Reluctant Hiker

    This is Mr. SP deep in thought.  This is the look I get when Mr. SP wants to strike up a bargain.  This is Mr. SP, filled with quiet optimism that we might turn around and start walking home again.  We didn’t.  I didn’t think to take a picture of…

  • Dandelions in a Braid

    It was probably two weeks ago now.  We were just beginning a relaxed Saturday afternoon hike.  They picked some dandelions along the road, and Mr. SP helped decorate The Banana’s braid.  Although these two squabble and argue sometimes, my middles do seem to get along the best out of any…