2020 Sunday Night at the Beach: Sand
These images actually were taken during Camp Aunt Rachel, and Cousin Alex and The Devious Snail were present as well, but somehow weren’t captured with the camera. There was a lot of cold water swimming, digging in the sand, and of course, the traditional activity of boys burying themselves with…
Camp Aunt Rachel: Session One
We kept a cousin for a week, and it was great fun. Mr. TOF had been greatly anticipating the arrival of Camp Aunt Rachel, since all of the ordinary summer activities are canceled. He was more than delighted to have a cousin to play with all week. We went hiking,…
Lupines have become one of my favorite flowers, a beautiful wild burst of color on the side of the road and in random patches all over during my favorite time of summer. Last week the Devious Snail was doing some yard work for a lady that he helps each week,…
Cabin Afternoon
This week is Session One of Camp Aunt Rachel, so on Friday we met cousins at the cabin and brought one home with us. In the meanwhile, Mr. TOF spent the afternoon in the lake water with his four cousins, up to all manners of craziness. Cousin E. drew all…
Some Things I’m Loving
I really love the long hours of daylight. It makes me so happy to get up when it’s light out and have it still be light out late into the evening. I feel so much more energetic. Over the past few months it has been easier to find time to…
Mr. Trouble on Feet begged and begged to learn to mow the lawn this summer. I thought he would probably only be able to handle the flat parts of the yard, because we have some steep hills that require quite a bit of strength to maneuver, but during “Lawnmowing Training”…
Daily Request
“Mom, can I check my email?” Since social distancing started, I have heard these words at least seven times a day from this girl who loves connecting with people, and has learned to love email.
2020 Sunday Night at the Beach: Chilly Spray
It was windy, chilly and the lake was moderately angry. Crashing waves always make me at peace.
Grandma Sent the Comics
A box arrived from Grandma Kathy, and in it a stack of Sunday Comics, which are always a hot commodity around here. I love that such a simple act of generosity brings so much joy to my people.
2020 Sunday Night at the Beach: The Chasing Edition
This picnic table, which was sitting on the beach like normal last fall, is now nearly completely buried in rocks from the storms that have happened since then. The power of water amazes me whenever I see it, because the tables far from the shoreline, which is something that you…