First Day
No one was overly cheerful about the first day back to school, including me. (I used to love it so much when I was a teacher and a student, but I hate it more and more every year as a parent!) Mr. TOF was off to eighth grade. I offered…
Double Drivers: Unlicensed
Peanut Maximus loves to sit in the front seat and get his hands on the steering wheel, and because it often keeps him occupied for a stretch of time, Mr. TOF is generally happy to comply. It is very good that this little guy has such a patient older brother.
2024 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 13
The Banana was working a lifeguarding shift, but we picked up YaYa, purchased some chicken strips and chicken sandwiches, and drove down to the sandy beach. The waves were a little high, and you have to be careful at the sandy beach, so we did not get into the water.…