First Day

No one was overly cheerful about the first day back to school, including me. (I used to love it so much when I was a teacher and a student, but I hate it more and more every year as a parent!) Mr. TOF was off to eighth grade. I offered to go to the bus stop with him so Peanut Maximus could see the yellow bus (he’s VERY into watching for yellow buses) but the offer was firmly declined. The Banana had a later start to her first day than she’s had for years because the high school daily schedule changed this year. She drove her car to twelfth grade, and probably barely made it on time because she was having a chaotic morning: last minute outfit changes, and, well, a lack of organization of belongings because she didn’t want to think about going back to school until she absolutely had to, which was the morning of the first day of school. She left the house only minutes before she had to be in her first class, but that’s kind of how she rolls. Not pictured were her swim bag and violin case, which she almost forgot.

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