Second Grader
The last half an hour of waiting to be an official second grader were excruciating. Ya Ya was up an hour earlier than she needed to be on Thursday, and dressed and finished with her breakfast in no time flat. We read a few books. She chatted with The Banana. She analyzed her expectations and concerns for the school year. Thank goodness Brutus was there to be a distraction!
Finally it was time for putting on her shoes and taking a few pictures before walking down to the corner to the bus stop. The leaves on the sidewalk from our corner maple tree that is starting to turn red almost looked fake in the bright green grass, but that’s how they really look right now.
It was a successful first day. To Ya Ya’s delight, she had art class on the first day, and that is her all time favorite part of school.
One Comment
Sophie Linde
So beautiful! I can’t believe my Sarah is in second grade already! Miss you all so much!