
Today The Banana and Mr. Sneaky Pants and I went to the grocery store after music class.  We were thrilled to find lots of brown paper sacks of “banana bread bananas.”  You know, the speckled and freckled bananas that are dumped in brown paper sacks and sold at an extreme discount when all the new green bananas come into the store.  Most people buy them to make banana bread, but I buy them to eat because I have a crew of banana maniacs, and the only time I ever manage to get my hands on a perfectly ripe banana with a freckled peel is if I am lucky enough to find them in a brown sack at the grocery store.  The banana crew eats massive quantities of bananas in all stages of greenness.  They’ll eat multiple bananas at one sitting.  Anyway, I bought 3 brown sacks of bananas.

Because the store just throws any freckled bananas into the brown sacks, sometimes you’ll come home with a bunch of organic bananas.  That was the case today, and it sparked all kinds of interesting discussions about how the kidlets basically have a mother that is too cheap to buy all their fruits and vegetables free of poison.

After supper and clean-up time this evening, the kidlets were looking forward to a special banana/peanut butter/raison/ sprinkle snack.  When all the work was done, I told them to run ahead into the kitchen and pick out their own banana.

Mr. Sneaky Pants:  I don’t want one of those reganic bananas.  I don’t think I’d like those.  They’re different.

The Banana:  But I want one!  I want a mechanic banana!  Where are the mechanic bananas?

Ya Ya:  It’s organic.  ORGANIC bananas.


  • gramma jan

    Keep questioning the world, kiddo. Thats the way the world gets better and things get invented. Its always fascinating to think beyond the surface, beyond the obvious. Love you, gramma j.

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