The Banana Draws: A Cat
We brainstormed different “parts” of a cat: head, eyes, mouth, ears, tummy, legs, tail, and then she drew a magnificent cat. I love it and I want to hang it up, but she told me I could not keep it. She was giving it to someone else. When Dr. Peds came home she told him to take it and “give it to someone at work.” Dr. Peds likes it too, and I think he’s going to secretly keep it for himself at work.
gramma jan
that’s a really good cat, Hannah. I especially like the abstract
look of the background. maybe you will paint things like old gramma Zana….that would be wonderful.
Grandma Gin
I like your cat that you drew. Does it have a name? Have fun drawing more animals. Thank Mommy for sharing that with us.