My Sweet, Sweet Girl
We were walking on the sidewalk, heading uphill toward our neighbor's house to water some houseplants. Mr. Sneaky Pants was galloping along ahead of us on his fast and sturdy imaginary steed worthy of a knight.
"Mama, Mama! Skip with me!" said my buoyant companion next to me. She is an amazing skipper, my little one. I don't know where she learned it, but she's been able to do it for months and months, and nearly shocked me off my feet when I saw her do it perfectly the first time out of the blue. She loves to skip everywhere, and I love seeing her do it.
"Mama, skip with me!" She looked at me with a persistent little face.
"Ok, we can skip together." And so we did. We skipped the length of our street, side by side, one big tall skipper, and one itty bitty skipper.
"Mama, now we are friends. We skip together."
I'd skip to the moon and back with her.