Renaissance Fair
I didn’t manage to snap many pictures, but the kidlets and I spent the day at the Olde World Renaissance Faire in Twig. I was the most pregnant person there. But, I am not a spoiled sport . . . I still went in costume. Luckily my Renaissance costume has a LOT of billowing fabric (that picture a few posts down really doesn’t do my belly justice). Ya Ya and The Banana were dressed as princesses, and Mr. SP, of course, went as a knight. I hadn’t mentioned much about the Renaissance Faire in advance, so when we got up this morning and I told them they needed to find costumes to wear, they were over the moon excited. It didn’t take them long to put together their ensembles. We braided hair. I made them make their beds before leaving, and we were off through the foggy morning. Thankfully we escaped all the rain, but it was quite muddy at the faire.
Mr. Sneaky Pants could not WAIT for the jousting and knight armor demonstrations, so we went to that section first. He learned even more about armor (and he already knew a lot) and was excited to watch a blacksmith make horseshoes. He cheered especially loudly for the green knight in the joust, and was a bit dismayed when the knight was beaten by his opponent. A lady on the way out gave him a silly belly button brush for a present and that measurably cheered him up.
We ate pretzels, and watched the silly chicken show that Ya Ya liked so well last year. Mr. Sneaky Pants laughed and giggled so loudly at the chickens that at one point the crazy chicken lady invited him up on stage. He didn’t want to go though, so he thrust his wooden sword down on the ground between his princess sisters and the chicken lady and declared sternly that NONE of us would be going on stage. She jumped back dramatically and picked someone else. It was really funny.
Ya Ya made a leather pouch at the craft area, and The Banana, clad in a fashionable purple princess dress with her pink cloak, played a children’s game that involved throwing toads at a tree stump. Mr. Sneaky Pants had his heart set on riding a war horse, and so I obliged. The horse’s dressing even matched his armor, and he hopped up in the saddle with incredible enthusiasm. He talked the ears of the poor lady leading his horse through the woods.
We also had fun listening to medieval instruments and watching a really fun children’s theater production that involved using kids from the audience to tell a very fun story about a princess, knight, king and fierce dragon. It was an absolute riot. By the time we got home we were all tired, but what a fun day together.
Mr. Sneaky Pants is showing you his meanest jousting face.