Random Things

1. Ya Ya is away at horse camp with Auntie Dot and Grandma Kathy, and the other two kidlets have been so ridiculously good I barely recognize my own children.
2. Last Saturday we were hiking in Lester Park and several college-age guys were jumping off a cliff 50-60 feet (I’m estimating big time . . . but it was a long distance) into a pool of water next to a waterfall. It seriously gave me the willies. I don’t know if it was my mama hormones kicking up or what, but the sound of them hitting the water made me think they were dead every single time they jumped. I do not relish the days of giving up control over my children regarding dangerous things like that. You should have seen Mr. Sneaky Pants’ eyes sparkling. I told him never ever to try it, which probably means he’ll be one of those reckless adolescents who relishes trying it.
3. I’ve been sulking around in a really, really bad mood because I’m missing the Pettibone Centennial. My doctor advises no travel, especially major travel, and while I admit that staying home is the most wise, safe, and easy decision, I am just up in arms about missing everything.
4. I got to take pictures of a family that lives around the corner at the beach last Tuesday. I had so much fun.
5. Today was the last day of swimming lessons for the kidlets. They are sad, but I’m not sad about having to hang out in the humid pool area.
6. Dr. Peds just fixed that yellow plastic swimming pool again. This time he welded (melted? I’m not sure what the correct term is) plastic filling into all the crevices that had cracked. I think that pool has 27 lives. I can’t complain, though, because it keeps the kidlets so busy.
7. I hate bandaids. I really do. I especially hate finding used bandaids all over my house, and walking into the bathroom to find the place strewn with bandaid wrappers. Sometimes I think the kidlets get hurt on purpose so they can use a few bandaids. They wear them with pride like battle scars.
8. While Ya Ya is gone, I’m working on weeding out some of the cardboard around here. Unfortunately, because she’s gone, the other kidlets have been having fun raiding the cardboard supplies and making their own cardboard creations. Ya Ya is typically very possessive about all the cardboard, and Mr. SP and The Banana have been waiting to get their hands on it.