Happy Birthday to the Devious Snail
Since his birthday falls right around Thanksgiving (this year it was two days later), the cousins were here to help celebrate! There were bagels with cream cheese for breakfast, and I was considering forgoing the bathtub tradition but those cousins insisted that it was necessary, so we did it!
After breakfast we loaded everyone up and headed to the hotel where the Iowa cousins and Grandma Kathy were sleeping for some morning swimming. The Iowa cousins were packing their car for the trip home, but at Uncle Bryan’s request, they took time out of their packing to surround the Devious Snail to “sing Happy Birthday as aggressively as possible.” It was humorous.
We picked up pizza on the way home from the morning swimming extravaganza, and Devious Snail managed to squeeze in a bit of reading time while the little cousins were napping. Soon he was napping as well. Even I was napping on the floor for a bit!
After nap, there were presents and ice cream cake. Grandma Kathy has a tradition of giving “unbirthday presents” to everyone not having a birthday, which is just the most perfect tradition ever, and the littles were so excited to open up a package with glowsticks. An army of small cousins armed with large glowsticks added to the party atmosphere.
The night before his actual birthday he went to see the Harry Potter movie with the big cousins, which was the special activity he picked to celebrate. The Devious Snail chose steak and fried herb potatoes for supper. He enjoyed a night without practicing or cleaning, and overall, I think he had a great birthday.