Documenting the Waterfalls at Gooseberry


Somewhere along the course of our hike at Gooseberry, The Banana managed to take over her daddy's two dollar digital camera that I found at a thrift store last spring.  She was adamant about capturing images of the waterfalls from every possible angle.  Her enthusiasm inspired the big brother to take out his camera, and together they clicked away along the trail.


It was a hoot.  I haven't actually had a chance to download their images yet, but I'm sure they will be very interesting.  The Banana would take a picture of the waterfalls, and then start taking pictures of EVERYTHING.  She would take a picture of me and just squeal with excitement, "I got YOU, Mama!" at the top of her lungs.


She was beyond thrilled to be handling a real, big girl camera.  I loved it.  I loved that she was so excited about taking pictures of the waterfalls.  The next best thing to standing next to a waterfall is taking a picture of it.  I think she might be on her way to being a waterfall hunter, like her Mama.  


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