We had a doozy of a Blizzard last weekend that dropped more than twenty one inches of snow in a day. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a monster blizzard like this, and it seemed like it has taken all week for everyone to really recover. We were out of school for several days because the city was having difficulty plowing the streets (the plows kept getting stuck, so only the super heavy duty plows could manage). Vigilante groups of neighbors with snowblowers cleared portions of alleys and side streets. Doctors and nurses snowed in went to work via snowshoes and fat tire bicycles. (Luckily Dr. Peds didn’t have to go to work right away). There are a lot of amazing stories about this blizzard. It will probably be one of those well-remembered storms.
In the aftermath, our narrow streets are now super narrow, and the plow grades along both sides of every street and road are so tall that you can’t see pedestrians or other cars, which makes driving a bit treacherous. There are still cars buried in snow piles.
I didn’t mind staying in during the snowstorm. I love a good excuse not to go out, and the snow is always beautiful. I’m lucky that my husband and kids worked as an amazing team to get the sidewalks and driveway cleared. The kidlets were definitely ready to go back to school in the middle of the week.