Ya Ya Celebrates a Half Birthday
For her half birthday, Sarah requested playtime with her friend from up the street, and cut out sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles. When she told me about the cookies, I said, “Really?” I don’t think I’ve made cut out sugar cookies for years and years. I love making cookies, but cut out sugar cookies I tend to avoid: all that rolling, cutting, extra flour and mess just seems tedious.
But I made the cookies. She loved helping, and everyone loved eating them. I had a recipe for almond butter cut out cookies stashed away in my recipe box from before she was born. Greg brought it home from medical school because he liked them so well, and I managed to not use the recipe for eight years!
We spent the morning inside because it was raining, but they watched a special movie on the computer, played with rubber bands and geoboards, and made a mural on the activity table about things that we love about Sarah.
Our friends came to play in the afternoon, and we had a magnificent time. The kids played with all sorts of toys, and then set up an orchestra in the living room and gave the grown ups a big concert. The grown ups had a fun time talking and visiting, but we were under strict orders NOT to talk during the VERY noisy concert. We munched on cookies. We built fantastic creations with Kapla books (kids and grown ups . . . man, I love those blocks). After supper there were a few small, but exciting presents. The sun even came out in the evening, so we could celebrate outside, which is something that she had really been wanting to do.
Signe is wondering what happened to Sarah’s face.
She got bit by a mayfly and kept on scratching it until it started to bleed. She scratches things when she’s reading.