Pretend Play: The Percussion Ensemble Version
I was cleaning up the kitchen and getting ready to cook supper on Monday night and heard a lot of racket from the living room. I peeked my head around the corner and discovered that Sarah had organized the kidlets into a percussion ensemble. They set up the large gathering drum next to the real music stand. They set up the small gathering drum and improvised a music stand out of baskets for The Banana. Each player had his or her own set of mallets, and Sarah had turned one of my pink knitting needles into a conductor's baton, which she wielded in a surprisingly appropriate fashion, giving dramatic cues for entrances and cut offs. The Banana was singing and banging, and Mr. SP was banging (but in a very organized fashion) and they actually followed her cues and stopped and started when she wanted them to. Oh the power of the baton. It went on for a good half and hour.
One Comment
I think that you should tape this for me so I can hear what wonderful music my grandkids play. I can only imagine the fun they had, hope it was good and loud, maybe thats the sound I could hear in North Dakota. Ask them about it.Gramma Robbie