This Guy

I’m looking up a lot these days when I talk to this guy, and he has to bend down quite a lot to give me a hug.

The good thing is that he can easily reach things for me in tall cupboards and hand Peanut Maximus toys from the front seat without stretching very much. He calls it the “long arm subscription.”

He’s been playing cribbage with Dr. Peds in his spare time, and he made a fancy tournament baseball team for the summer, which he is very excited about. He’s also going to row in the mornings with his sister, and he has been waiting to do that for years. You have to be 13 to row at our rowing club.

He’s the source of all things fun in the life of Peanut Maximus, who loves to play with balls just like his big brother. Seriously, there are so, so many balls in the front yard these days, and the lawn literally looks like matted muddy turf. I may never actually have a front lawn again.

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